Editor’s note: This story was published originally in 2022 in Global Golf Post Plus and is being republished in advance of this week’s AIG Women’s Open at St. Andrews’ Old Course in Scotland.
Jenny Lucas was Jenny Lee-Smith when she won the inaugural Women’s British Open at Fulford in 1976. Because she was an amateur, she did not take home the £210 winner’s check. However, she was the recipient of a handsome gold pin bearing the words “British Open Winner,” which she treasures to this day.
Born on December 2, 1948, Jenny was given up for adoption a couple of months later – an arrangement of which everyone in her wider family seemed to be aware.
Everyone but her.
The first she heard of it came from the mouths of cousins who were arguing over the loss of a book. The then-14-year-old Jenny, who had lost her much-loved adoptive father to cancer some two years earlier, was about to contribute her two-pence worth to the debate when she was told to mind her own business.
Twin sisters Helen Edwards...
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