Stacy Lewis is shown with daughter Chesnee Lynn during a press conference ahead of the 2024 AIG Women's Open Championship. Rob Casey, SNS Group via Getty Images
ST. ANDREWS, SCOTLAND | Stacy Lewis’ first observation on the eve of this week’s AIG Women’s Open at St. Andrews concerned the color of the links. Back in 2013, when she won the championship, the grass was brown and dry. Now, it is soft and green, which is what the R&A wanted when the forecast was so fearsome an affair as to put one in mind of the European Tour’s 1973 John Player Classic at Turnberry.
That was the week when the then golf correspondent at The Scotsman adjusted a line from that old seafarer’s hymn to suggest that locals had gathered in the church to pray “for those in peril on the tee.”
The other thing to have changed since 2013 is Lewis herself. Breaking into the most cheerful of smiles, this winner of 13 LPGA titles conceded to being “a much more balanced person than I used to be. I made a lot of sacrifices to be the world No. 1, and I’m glad I did what I ...
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