Stop it. Just cut it out.
You probably know some youngsters who need to hear that more often than they do. But this particular admonition – and I wish you could hear me say it aloud to get the full effect – is for another group: The Outrage Squad, the Pot-Stirrers, those grimacing social media junkies who are constantly on the prowl for the next “worst thing ever” so they can insinuate, accuse and broil their intended targets over a searing flame.
Sergio García, Matt Kuchar, J.B. Holmes (who, while painfully slow on the golf course, is a fine man), anyone who played golf on the Saudis’ sandy soil: They’ve all been grist for the rage mill. People who have never met any of them, who don’t know their backgrounds, their families, their work ethic; people who know nothing about their charitable giving, their core beliefs, their values outside of golf; people who have never heard them talk about anything deeper than the 8-iron they hit on 16 and who have never seen them interact with anyone away from a golf course, those people tell us that...
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