Kim Keyer-Scott won her third Florida State Golf Association Women’s Senior Player of the Year honor in 2023. Courtesy Kim Keyer-Scott
Good thing she was bored in Belgium. Otherwise, Kim Keyer-Scott may never have considered taking up golf and allowing the game she always called “not a real sport” to lead her down a path of success, adventure and healing when it mattered most.
Keyer-Scott, 56, recently added her third Florida State Golf Association Women’s Senior Player of the Year honor to her résumé – awarded in 2020, 2021 and 2023. Her 2023 season also included wins at the PGA National Club Championship (senior women’s division) and the Southern Senior Amateur Championship (women’s division).
“It’s a great honor to be named player of the year, but this one was special because I had my last cancer treatment in February 2023,” said Keyer-Scott, of Bonita Springs, Florida. “I feel like I got my strength back last year and was able to go at it 100 percent in every tournament that I played.”
And with her improved stamina came a new sen...
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