For the kids playing in the Pepsi Little People's Championship, meeting Nan Ryan is high on the to-do list. Photo: Courtesy Nan Ryan
Nan Ryan is an icon. For proof, reference the commotion at the Pepsi Little People’s Championship registration table.
When participants arrive for the annual junior tournament in Quincy, Illinois, which will celebrate its 50th consecutive playing June 19-21, they ask for Nan.
Not Miss Ryan. Nan.
The kids are beaming with pride to get a picture with Ryan, the 89-year-old tournament director and founder. They love her because they feel like they know her, which is a result of Ryan’s careful correspondence. Ryan responds to each entry with a thank you letter, signed personally.
How many national junior tournaments can boast that?
“When they get to the tournament, they feel like they know people,” Ryan said. “It isn’t just walking in cold. They feel like coming home, I guess. We have the same feeling of, ‘Oh hi, I talked to you on the phone,’ or, ‘How’s your dog?’ It sometimes gets personal – we know about ...
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