Tracy Raoul and her husband Philip took up golf as they exposed their children to the game as much as possible. Photo: Chicago District Golf Association.
Tracy Raoul is captivated by puzzles.
“I am a puzzle-loving, mystery-solving nerd,” Raoul said.
Professionally, the puzzles she tackles are in the field of cytogenetics, which consists of analyzing chromosomes to potentially identify the presence of genetic diseases or cancer.
Personally, the puzzle can be equally as complicated –– finding enough hours in the day to balance her career, being a mother of three and serving as a staple in the Chicago golf community.
Raoul’s initial exposure to golf came as a high schooler growing up on Chicago’s South Side when her Uncle Woody and Aunt Dorothy introduced her to the game through trips to the driving range. While Raoul enjoyed this initial foray, two key factors caused golf to become a fleeting interest as she continued to mature.
“One, none of my friends played golf,” Raoul recalled. “It was a sport that I really just didn't see girls ...
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