Closing in on a decade as the first chief financial officer at the United States Golf Association, Susan Pikitch has reached the sweet spot in professional life few bean counters get to enjoy: the satisfaction of affecting the future instead of accounting the past.
Working for the mission-driven USGA has allowed Pikitch to be what she calls a “CF-Go” instead of a “CF-No.”
“On the finance side, there’s a perception that a CFO’s job is to say no when people want to spend money,” she said. “And you know, and when you’re a CF-No, you will not be invited in the room before decisions are made. You will be there when they need someone to budget for it, or write checks.
“Being a CF-Go really means to think about putting yourself in the shoes of the business person that you’re trying to support and help them achieve their goals. Point out some of the risks, but point out some of the opportunities as well as point out what that financial investment or return could be. Be a business partner, not just someone who is the judge of saying yes or no...
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