Team dynamics takes a unique form for 26-year-old identical twins Sarah and Jessica Spicer.
When they arrive at Oak Hills Country Club in San Antonio, Texas, for the ninth U.S. Women’s Amateur Four-Ball Championship on May 11-15, they plan to take advantage of their innate knowledge of each other as people and as competitive golfers.
The former Virginia Tech collegians have been playing golf together since they were 7 years old and were also competitive synchronized skaters before concentrating on golf. They believe they are close to the prototypical pairing for a variety of reasons.
“We don’t have to worry about saying I’m sorry or not saying I’m sorry,” Sarah said. “We know each other so well. I know Jess is practicing and she’s trying her hardest. … It makes us a lot more comfortable out there. I see that as a big advantage.”
Jessica, whose confidence grows when her older sister trusts her on-course decisions, agrees with that assessment but adds another built-in edge.
“We’ve both caddied for each other numerous times,” she said. ...
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