The tenacity of soft-spoken Martha Linscott began as a high school golfer in Oklahoma.
It continues today with Linscott’s matter of fact and unassuming way.
In 2024, after a knee replacement, Linscott was the 2024 Kansas Women’s Mid-Amateur and Senior Player of the Year, winning the Kansas Mid-Amateur in a seven-hole playoff and qualifying for the U.S. Women’s Mid-Amateur, the U.S. Senior Women’s Open and the U.S. Senior Women’s Amateur, the third straight year she had done so. The Mid-Amateur victory, at age 54, was over Lucy Nunn, a former University of Arkansas player who coached at Southern Mississippi.
“I’m a really hard worker, so if I do something well that makes me want to practice more and pursue it,” said Linscott, of Mission Hills, Kansas, who coaches both the women’s and men’s golf teams at Park University, an NAIA school near Kansas City.
Linscott, who has competed in 22 USGA championships, began her commitment to the grind at Claremore (Okla.) High School. Before and after classes, she would practice some piece of her g...
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