Golf is not the easiest sport for a kid. It’s usually hot and sticky outside, the rules are difficult to understand, and the sport is just downright hard. But as we age, we learn about the many ways golf can enhance your life.
As a child, Isabella DiLisio initially had no interest in golf despite the encouragement from her parents. But then, at age 9, something clicked for this young girl from Hatfield, Pennsylvania.
DiLisio’s parents, Dina and Sam, were stunned when Isabella refused to stay at her grandparent’s house one afternoon when they were going to play golf. Three years earlier, they had introduced their athletic daughter to golf, signing her up for a local camp — and she hated it.
“I did this one-week golf camp in the summer, and then the clubs were put away,” DiLilsio said. “But randomly one day I just wanted to go play golf with my parents. I threw a temper tantrum when they were trying to leave me at my grandparents’.”
Despite reminding Isabella she didn’t like golf, Dina and Sam took her to a local public course to play ...
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